Category Archives: skeet shooting

New York Times Congratulates New Pope


In a major editorial today in The New York Times, the editors congratulated Pope Francis on his election and urged him to quickly take steps to modernize the Church and to begin to make the Church once again relevant in modern society.  Specifically they asked the new Pope to implement the following actions:

  • Abandon celibacy as a requirement for the priesthood, while limiting sexual partners to no more than three a day.
  • Actively promote abortion as a lifestyle decision.
  • Promote the use of contraceptives.
  • Embrace homosexuality, except for existing priests who may have been in the closet for years. These priests should be defrocked.
  • Formally state that marriage can be between any number of people, any sex, any age, and any species.
  • Rename Christmas Kwanzaa.
  • Commit to making the next Pope a woman; immediately raise the number of woman priests, bishops, and archbishops to over 50% of the total, even if it means ordaining non-Christian women.
  • Accept Islam as equal or superior to Christianity.
  • Apologize to all people, living or dead, who may not have liked the Catholic Church, including Maureen Dowd.
  • Embrace any other items on the Democratic Party Platform not previously mentioned.

Recognizing the power of tradition which has been present for centuries in the Catholic Church, The Times’ editors stated that the clergy could keep their robes and funny hats but wear them only on holidays.

If the new Pope is willing to make these changes, The Times then recommends he immediately take the following actions to modernize the image of the Church:

  • Deliver Mass wearing sandals and a t-shirt.
  • Make numerous appearances on Jay Leno, Dave Letterman, and The View.
  • Schedule numerous photo ops with the Pope skiing in the Alps and windsurfing in the Caribbean.
  • Take up skeet shooting as a hobby and occasionally golf with Tiger Woods.
  • Vacation at George Clooney’s villa in the south of Italy.
  • Date a supermodel and give her free run of the Vatican.
  • Make sure the supermodel presents the award for Best Picture at the Oscars.
  • Excommunicate Paul Ryan.
  • Nominate President Obama for sainthood.

To encourage the new Pope to quickly take these actions, Maureen Dowd, columnist for The Times, has agreed to quit sending hate mails to the Pope and stop circulating anonymous emails containing a picture of a well known porn star with the Pope’s face superimposed.

The Times editors noted that some critics might say that, if these changes were implemented, the Catholic Church would be no different than the Episcopalians; the editors then iterated that the priests get to keep their robes and funny hats.

©Obamabeans 03/14/2013

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Filed under abortion, barack obama, bill maher, dennis miller, george clooney, humor, jon stewart, maureen dowd, new york times, onion, politcal satire, political correctness, pope, President Obama, satire, skeet shooting, the onion, Uncategorized

Obamabeans Contest Update

Attention OBeaners:  We’ve not received the tremendous response that we thought we would to our contest (Five Things Joe Biden Would Take On Vacation, first posted on 2/10/21013). Consequently, we’ve decided to up the ante with our prizes.  Here is our new prize list:

Fifth Prize:  Two discount coupons to the Donald Trump Hair Styling Academy, redeemable at any location.

Fourth Prize:  A computer generated map showing the exact location of Joe Biden’s hair plugs, signed by Joe’s cosmetic surgeon.

Third Prize: A case of bronzed spent shells from President Obama’s skeet shooting adventure . (They make great paper weights!). As a bonus we’ll also include a photographic copy of the President’s fourth grade report card complete with teacher’s comments.

Second Prize: An artist’s rendition of Elizabeth Warren’s Native-American ancesters’ (alleged) first encounter with her European ancesters (not alleged) on the Trail of Tears. Editor’s note: contains bloody images that may be unsuitable for family viewing.

And the First Prize is:

Two free tickets to the Alec Baldwin Seminar on Anger Management.  Mr. Baldwin will share the many anger management secrets he has learned over the years, including:  

  •      Proper Flying Etiquette, or Don’t Get Angry over Angry Birds
  •      Why You Should Never Ridicule Your Brothers
  •      Treating the Paparazzi With Respect
  •      How Racial Epithets Hurt Everyone
  •      Positive Reinforcement and Parenthood

©Obamabeans 02/21/2013

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Filed under alec baldwin, barack obama, celebrity news, dennis miller, elizbeth warren, entertainment news, humor, indian, jon stewart, native-american, onion, politcal satire, political humor, President Obama, satire, skeet shooting, the onion, Uncategorized, white house

White House to Install Hockey Rink in Basement

White House press spokesperson Jay Carney announced today that construction will begin this spring on a new hockey rink  to be installed in the basement of the White House.  It seems the President has taken an interest in the sport, hoping that it might help him better understand Canadians, whose culture and political institutions have remained a complete mystery to the President up till this point.

Carney also said that the new sport will provide a new challenge to the President, who, during his first four years in the White House, has mastered golf, bowling, and skeet-shooting in addtion to playing his weekly pickup basketball games and cycling with his daughters. When asked when the President will find time for his new sport, Carney replied that the President always finds time for sports.

©Obamabeans 02/19/2013


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Filed under barack obama, dennis miller, humor, jon stewart, onion, politcal satire, political humor, President Obama, satire, skeet shooting, the onion, Uncategorized, white house