Category Archives: stimulus

First Shovel Ready Jobs Created in California

California officials today were pleased to announce that the first shovel ready jobs will now be created in California four years after the Stimulus Package was passed.  “It’s taken awhile for the jobs to show up but we’re glad they’re finally here” said Governor Jerry Brown.  The jobs will be involved in creating a new landfill to bury the hundreds of defective solar panels from the now bankrupt Solyndra manufacturing facility in Fremont.  Governor Brown also noted that these jobs are in reality “green jobs, even though most people might not see it that way at first”.  Later in the day, Al Gore tweeted ”This is just further proof that the future of job creation in this country lay in Green Energy”.

 ©Obamabeans 03/27/2013


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Filed under al gore, bill maher, California, dennis miller, Governor Brown, green industry, humor, jerry brown, jon stewart, onion, politcal satire, political humor, satire, stimulus, Stimulus Package, the onion, Uncategorized