Monthly Archives: February 2013

Pamela Anderson Writing Children’s Book

Pamela Anderson’s publicist announced today that Ms. Anderson has recently completed a new children’s book aimed at young girls.  Anderson recently underwent her third breast augmentation surgery and came up with idea for the book during her recovery.   Ms. Anderson’s first surgery resulted in breasts which she later decided were too large; her second surgury gave her breasts which she decided were too small.  After her third surgery, Ms Anderson now feels her breasts are just right.  She recounts the spirtual journey she experienced along with these surgeries in her book titled: “Goldilocks and the Three Bras”.

©Obamabeans 02/13/2013

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Nobel Peace Prize Brawl

Stockholm police were recently called to breakup a brawl at the Nobel Peace Prize headquarters.   The fight apparently erupted when some of the Norse committee members made some derogatory comments about the family heritage of certain members of the Swedish staff. Only one serious injury was reported: a Swedish staff member was admitted to Oslo County General for horn wounds to the genitals inflicted by a Viking helmet.

This was not the first time police had been called to the headquarters. The Norse committee members are known for their heavy drinking and have been embarrassed in public numerous times, mainly for their Nobel Prize winner selections.

©Obamabeans 02/11/2013

©Obamabeans 02/07/2013

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Attention Readers: New Obamabeans Contest

Attention all O’Beaners:  The Obamabeans County Register is sponsoring a contest available to all our readers. We’re asking our readers (O’Beaners) to answer the following question:  “Name five things Joe Biden would take on vacation”.


  • Nothing profane or off-color.
  • Submit entries to
  • Submit as many entries as you want.
  • Winning entries will be judged by our editors by certain criteria which we haven’t made up yet.
  • Winners will be showered by gifts which we haven’t bought yet and may not be able to afford, including discount coupons at the Donald Trump Hair Styling Salon (redeemable at any location).
  • The contest will end when the editors become bored with it.

If you’re a winner, we’ll publish your entry in the Obama Beans County Register with your name as author if you’re brave enough to let us. Otherwise, we’ll take credit ourselves.

©Obamabeans 02/11/2013


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MSNBC To Offer New Interview Show

MSNBC announced today that it was adding an exciting new interview show immediately following Chris Matthew’s Hardball.  The new program will feature a series of interviews with various famous and powerful people conducted by Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes.  The new show, titled Softball, will debut with an exclusive interview with President Obama that covers in depth several of the issues previously discussed in Kroft’s recent interview with the President on 60 Minutes.

Some of the things to be discussed with the President:

  • What is your favorite color?
  • How did your childhood prepare you for greatness?
  • How much better than Larry Bird would you have been if you had chosen to pursue a career in professional basketball?
  • Would our country truly be a utopia if we didn’t have Republicans?
  • How does it feel to be the world’s smartest person?
  • Is there anything you’re not good at?
  • Will you ever die?
  • Are there any current plans to rename the country after you?

The following week Kroft plans to interview former President George W. Bush.

Some of the questions he plans to ask Bush:

  • When did you decide to become a war criminal?
  • Isn’t it true that everything wrong with the country began with your presidency?
  • Don’t you feel bad about making it so hard for President Obama?
  • Can you prove that you graduated from high school?  Did your father bribe high officials so that you could graduate?
  • Don’t you just hate looking in the mirror every morning?


©Obamabeans 02/07/2013

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Filed under 60 minutes, barack obama, dennis miller, G.W. Bush, George W. Bush, jon stewart, media, onion, President Bush, President Obama, sixty minutes, steve kroft, the onion, Uncategorized

Al Gore and Michael Moore Announce Creation of New “Green” Gun

In a shocking move, Al Gore and Michael Moore announced today that they were initiating a joint venture for the manufacture of a new “green” handgun to be made in Detroit. Gore and Moore realize that their fellow progressives will be shocked by their involvement with the manufacture of a new gun.  Betty Putz, spokersperson for the pair, has said that Gore and Moore believe that since a complete ban of guns in the United States is almost impossible, the best solution would be to develop an ecologically sustainable gun and manufacture it in the nearly bankrupt city of Detroit with former UAW workers. This would simultaneously create a new “green” industry and provide payback for a key Democrat support group. The gun would be made of a base of wheat grass and spent 9mm shells recovered from the almost unlimited supply found in the streets of Chicago and Detroit.  

Gun enthusiasts had earlier been given some of the first production models produced at the Detroit plant and were encouraged to test the guns.  Their findings, however, were not encouraging.  Some of the comments made:

  • Very small caliber, very short barrel.
  • Goes off half-cocked.
  • Barrel becomes limp immediately after firing
  • Very inaccurate, always shoots far to the left.

Some models were also missing major parts- barrels, triggers, etc. Ms. Putz assured reporters that this had nothing to do with the fact they were made by UAW workers, and that Gore and Moore have already identified the quality problem: bad management. It seems that Gore and Moore hired most of the venture’s initial upper management team from various ”green” companies that had earlier received federal stimulus money but had subsequently went bankrupt. Many of these executives were actually investment bankers and lobbyists and had no real managment experience.  These individuals are now being laid-off from the company, and will receive lifetime pensions paid for by money the Treasury department saved in denying help to Delphi salaried employees during the GM/Delphi/UAW bailout.

The White House today also announced that they were awarding $5 billion worth of stimulus funds to the new company with the condition that no guns produced by the company be sold in the U.S., and that all guns are be sold to the Justice Department for distribution in Mexico.

©Obamabeans 02/05/2013


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Filed under al gore, Delphi, Detroit, environmental, Fast and Furious, green industry, gun control, Justice Department, michael moore, Stimulus Package, UAW, Uncategorized

White House Clarifies Relationship Between Obama and Bill Ayres

At a recent press conference, White House Spokesperson Jay Carney was asked again about President Obama’s relationship with the notorious radical leftist, Bill Ayres.  Ayres is now a Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and is believed to have had contact with Barack Obama during the years Obama lived in Chicago.  Per Carney:

  • “Barack Obama did not know Bill Ayres, but if he did know him, he wasn’t friends.
  • But if he was friends with Ayres, he certainly never invited him over to his house.
  • But if he did invite him over to his house, they certainly didn’t have dinner together.
  • But if they did have dinner together, it certainly doesn’t mean that Ayres has a heart shaped tattoo on his right buttock with the President’s name in it.
  • That should clear up the matter.”

©Obamabeans 02/04/2013



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Filed under barack obama, bill ayres, dennis miller, humor, jon stewart, onion, politcal satire, political humor, President Obama, satire, the onion, Uncategorized

Regular Feature: Things Chris Matthews Has Determined To Be Racist This Week

1.   Yellow curbs

2.   Red lights

3.   Black coffee

4.   White flour

©Obamabeans 02/04/2013

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Regular Feature: Things Mayor Bloomberg Banned This Week

1.  Women with attractive derrieres*

  • *within 100 yards of the Mayor


©Obamabeans 02/02/2013


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Madonna Under Criticism for Latest Costume

At some of her recent concerts, Madonna has worn a costume which, to delicately describe it, displayed her lady parts. When a reporter asked her yesterday  how she would feel if her son were ever to witness her concert while she was wearing that costume, Madonna replied increduously  “I have a son?”

©Obamabeans 02/02/2013

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Regular Feature: Five Most Intelligent Things Joe Biden Said This Week

1.     ________

2.     ________

3.    “I’m almost sure I set the timer.”

4.     ________

5.     ________


©Obamabeans 01/31/2013

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